Gawadar Port– Do not forget real stakeholders: people of Balochistan

Gawadar Port–make people of Balochistan stakeholder

China has assumed the status of the world’s most advanced countries in terms of experience in maritime and port industries.

Jan Achakzai 

The CPEC Authority Chairman Lt Gen (R) Saleem Bajwa has said the CPEC investment is on a steady pace and up to $13 billion investment has gone into the mega project and another $12 billion is in the pipeline as such making it the largest mega project the country has ever seen.

The jewel in the crown  of the CPEC project, apart from investment in special economic zones, is Gawadar Port which is also being developed with the Chinese help. Gawadar not only provides access to trade in the region and beyond but also containerized   shipping industries. 

Now the Chinese current volume of trade through maritime routes is staggering.  The Chinese experience will be something never anticipated before when the Gawadar Port is fully operationalised and moves to become a trading hub.

China has assumed the status of the world’s most advanced countries in terms of experience in maritime and port industries. In concrete terms three of the world’s top shipping companies and operators are not now Chinese companies, for instance, COSCO is  the world’s fourth-biggest shipping line which is operating at 45 ports around the world. These  numbers are unprecedented showing how China quickly learnt the maritime world in a short span of time.

The development of Gawadar port would likely lead to significant growth because shipping lines and operators are key issues in port development which Pakistan lacks.

There will be an unprecedented level of trade activity annually. The Chinese shipping lines in the Gwadar port will  increase the port’s trade exchanges with the world.

China maritime trading giant 

As per the data, China is currently having maritime trade exchanges with over 162 countries globally and the activity of Chinese famous shipping lines in  port would mean connecting  the port to more than 45 ports and over 162 countries.

While  China’s  development in containerized trade, six of the world’s top 10 container ports are in China that means about 60 percent of the world’s container operations are taking place in China itself.

By 2024, it is estimated that the Chinese ports will  register the world’s largest growth in terms of container trade.

Strategically located, Gawadar is next  to a region which contains 70 percent of the world’s proven oil reserves and 40 percent of its natural gas reserves. Gawadar bridges  great Eurasian space, South Asia, western highlands of China, the great arc of most of  GCC countries, with unrestricted access to the Indian Ocean via Arabian Sea. This is the world's class as a piece of land. 

Note of caution 

The political economy should not prevent the spill over benefits first to the people of Balochistan as they have the most poverty sticken  population of the country. Trickle down effects need to be insured so as to provide employment to the youth of Balochistan as a first priority. The long term solution to Balochistan is economy challenges is to make the people stake holder in the mega project. Any impression of elite capture and capture rent seeking behaviour will be a travesty indeed. 
